A study conducted on Alzheimer's disease has revealed that people who consume a high amount of western junk food as part of their diet are at a higher risk of contracting the disease. The study was conducted in ten countries based on the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. The countries included U.S., India, Sri Lanka, Chile, Brazil, Cuba, Mongolia, Egypt, Nigeria and Republic of Korea.

The dietary supply data of these countries before the prevalence of Alzheimer's was also studied. The dietary supply comprised meat and animal products which didn't include milk. A relation was established between Alzheimer's and the dietary supply by the researchers.

It was found that people residing in the U.S. had a four percent probability of developing the disease because of their diet which included a lot of meat content.

"Reducing meat consumption could significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's Disease as well as of several cancers, diabetes mellitus type 2, stroke, and, likely, chronic kidney disease," stated William B. Grant, the author of this study from San Francisco's Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center.

Countries like India, Nigeria and Japan which consume lesser meat unlike the American diet are said to be at 50 percent lesser risk of Alzhemier's. Excess meat and junk food consumption raises cholesterol and also leads to generation of Alzheimers'-triggering proteins.

"Mounting evidence from ecological and observational studies indicates that the Western dietary pattern—especially the large amount of meat in that diet—is strongly associated with risk of developing Alzheimer's disease," Grant has stated.

Alzheimer's disease affects 1 out of 10 people who­ are above 65 years of age. It is caused by the accumulation of two proteins named, Tangles and Plaques, which lead to the termination of brain cells.

It originates in the part of the brain called, hippocampus, where the memories are first generated. The two proteins destroy all the cells in hippocampus, disabling it from generating any new memories. The person is unable to recollect long term memory and just remembers what happened a few days or hours back. This is followed by destruction of cells in other parts of the brain impacting its functioning severely.

The entire process of getting affected by Alzheimer's is very steady and slow which takes up to eight years to completely destroy the brain functioning of the diagnosed, finally causing death.

It ends up deleting all the memories stored in the brain, followed by affecting the ability of a person to sense and react, leading to death due to the destruction of the brain's part which controls breathing and the functioning of the heart.